Maple Dip.

on Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Another epic moment for me. LOL. I was assigned as a cashier at my work. 3pm until closing. At first, I was glad that I made it on time. But the moment after I punched in. (which means attendance.) A not-so-old lady approached me.

"Miss, pahingi naman ng sauce ng Crispy Pork Steak."

So, I handed her the brown sauce she was asking me. I thought it was just an ordinary request like the others. But it was not.The lady went back angrily to me and asked why did I gave her a maple syrup. Seriously, I didn't know it was Maple syrup since the color I the same as the Pork dip. I immediately searched for the pork dip but it was too late. She became mad at me at searched for the manager. She complained me about giving the wrong sauce.

I thought that, that incident would ruin my performance for today. But I'm glad I didn't screw up again. At least from now on, I'd be cautious on the sauces I'd be giving my customers.


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